Tag: Southport

I see Councillor Susie Douglas is leading the charge with the Gold Coast Community Alliance to fight the proposed cruise ship terminal. There’s certainly a lot of interest from locals on both sides of the fence.
I read with great interest the newspaper report on comments made by Court of Appeal Justice John Muir in his recent address to the North Queensland branch of the Bar Association’s biannual Court of Appeal dinner in Townsville.
Opinions differ as to how we should select our judicial officers. Inevitably, ambitions, politics and prejudice play a part in people's views on the subject, and the conversation often ranges from academic to acrimonious. The controversy surrounding the recent appointment of Brisbane barrister Mr Tim Carmody QC to the role of Chief Justice of the Queensland Supreme Court is just another case in point. Nearly 15 years ago senior legal academic Barbara Hamilton delivered a paper on the subject, in a slightly different context, that is still well worth revisiting today. I would recommend to any avid student of the current debate around judicial appointments.