Alex has worked in the legal industry since 2015, and joined Nyst Legal after completing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) at Griffith University in 2017.
Since his admission to the legal profession in early 2018, Alex has acted for clients in a wide range of criminal matters across Queensland and NSW, including major drug offences, manslaughter and violent crime, sexual offences, and Commonwealth offences such as drug importation, people smuggling and money laundering. He also regularly acts in quasi-criminal matters such as civil confiscation proceedings, peace and good behaviour applications, domestic violence proceedings and administrative appeals.
Despite the serious and often high-profile nature of his cases, Alex takes pride in achieving successful outcomes for his clients. His efforts frequently result in charges against his clients being withdrawn or diverted from the criminal justice system following negotiations with the Prosecution, or successfully defended at trial. He received the Griffith University Medal in 2017 in his final year of study for outstanding academic excellence, and in 2023 he was short-listed as a finalist in the Lawyers Weekly 30 Under 30 Awards 2023 in the Criminal Law category.
Alex’s passion for criminal law has also seen him complete higher research projects in the field under the Honours program, including his thesis on Recreational Cannabis Legalisation In Colorado, Washington State and Uruguay, and law reform submissions relating to drug-testing procedures under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 and Domestic Violence prevention within the Queensland education system.
Since 2019, Alex has been involved in the Griffith University Innocence Project as a volunteer lawyer. In this role, he regularly meets with students of the Project and provides tactical advice and support with respect to investigating applicants’ claims of wrongful conviction for serious offences such as murder and manslaughter.
Alex was born in the United Kingdom, and relocated to the Gold Coast with his immediate family in 2003. He attended Varsity College, where he represented in basketball, and maintains a keen interest in music recording and production.
2023 Finalist (Crime) – Lawyer’s Weekly Australia 30 Under 30 Awards
2024 Finalist (Crime) – Lawyer’s Weekly Australia 30 Under 30 Awards
Current volunteer solicitor for the Griffith University Innocence Project.
So, it’s that time of year, yet again, when department stores everywhere are all adorned with glistening synthetic trees, draped in twinkling tinsel and plastic holly, surrounded by cotton-wool snow and lovingly-wrapped empty packages. Competitively-priced sound system speakers spread jolly messages of good will to all, while the latest jumbo-sized LED Full HD Smart TV […]
Whether your matter is civil, criminal or commercial in nature, our team at Nyst Legal has all the experience, expertise and diligence necessary to ensure that you achieve the absolute best available result.